One Hand Piano
George Pereli|Piano Tuner and Technician

About One Hand Piano

For my entire life, I’ve had a great love of music. I became proficient in voice, piano, and drums and ended up going to Berklee College of Music for Contemporary Writing and Production. I did all this in spite of the fact that I was born with a paralyzed left hand. One of the things I pursued was piano technology. I was one of many music lovers in a family of engineers, so I decided to combine the two worlds. There were plenty of people who told me that it would be impossible, but I decided to prove them wrong. After graduating from Berklee, I became a certified piano technician at Piano Technician Academy.

Why You Should Get Your Piano Tuned

  1. Do you play piano?
  2. Would you like to play piano?
  3. Do you have kids that you would like to learn piano?
  4. Are you looking to sell your piano?
  5. Are you interested in music?
  6. Would you like to have it as a nice piece of furniture?
  7. Do you hate it when people sing out of tune?
  8. Do you not remember when it was last tuned?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you should get your piano tuned.

Get in Touch

One Hand Piano
226 Pleasant Street, Arlington, MA 02476